Offical Opening Ceremony for new Extension
Murray Haven Homes and the Barham Multi Purpose Service shared an opening ceremony on Friday March 20th 2020. Due to the very early stages of COVID-19 the ceremony was scaled back. Member for Albury, Mr Justin Clancy performed the plaque unveiling and was accompanied by Jill Ludford, Chief Executive of the Murrumbidgee Local Health Network. Representing Murray Haven Homes was President of the Board, Pam Waldron and CEO Gary Kairn.
The Murray Haven Homes extension amounted to 20 resident rooms, treatment room, cleaner’s rooms, training centre and administration office. Coupled with this was new equipment and a large recruitment process. Part of the project included the transfer of the 10 bed licences from Barham hospital (previously known as Eliza House) to Murray Haven. This included residents making the move from the hospital to Murray Haven. The extension could not have happened without the support of the Federal and NSW Governments as well as the tireless work of the current and previous Murray Haven board members.
Post COVID-19 we will be planning another unofficial opening where our residents and the community can be part of the celebrations.