October 2023
October Murray Haven Newsletter 2023 We have been busy. Lots of beautiful photos in this edition

June / July 2023
June / July Murray Haven Newsletter 2023 We have been busy. Lots of beautiful photos in this edition

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter February 2023
Well 2023 has started with a bang and the residents didn’t have much time to rest after our Christmas celebrations. It was so nice to see all our friends popping into visit, with the sun shining and the birds singing. The tables and chairs out the front under the trees were a buzz of activity

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter December 2022
The past couple of years with Covid have certainly set some challenges and many changes for the Residents of Murray Haven, as I’m sure with many other industries, but like troopers we have adjusted and continued to embrace the change and live life to its fullest Murray Haven Homes Newsletter December 2022

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 4, 2021
In this edition of the newsletter, we look at events held at Murray Haven such as Italian Day, Christmas in July, Crafting and Happy Hour. We also see some photos from a fantastic outing to Deniliquin’s Depot Historic Collection, a true step back in time. We check out Dudley’s adventures, a sweet little cockatoo that

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 3, 2021
Please click on the link below to access Edition 3 of the Murray Haven Homes newsletter. In this edition, we see the residents have been out and about in the community, with a trip to CluBarham, and a boys’ trip to Wakool and the footy. We had Mother’s day celebration and ANZAC Day ceremonies. We

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 2, 2021
With the gentle easing of restrictions its lovely to see family and friends popping in and enjoying their loved one’s company. We are still unable to have gatherings in communal areas, but welcome visitors now through the front and into a resident’s room or a lovely outdoor space to enjoy each other’s company. Please enjoy

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 1, 2021
Well, what a treat to have the Barham Primary kids pop up and sing all our old favourite Christmas songs. We had a wonderful Christmas Day with the residents, and a fantastic Christmas Party held outdoors, which was thoroughly enjoyed by residents, and their family and friends. We also had some fun on Australia Day

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 5, 2020
In this edition of the Murray Haven Homes newsletter, we celebrate Father’s Day. Although it was a little different this year, it was special to be able to have a BBQ at the back of the facility, and listen to music from our wonderful Dave Shannon. For Aged care Employee Day, the staff at Murray

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 4, 2020
Please enjoy reading the latest newsletter on our exciting happenings at Murray Haven, including a message from our CEO, our Italian Day and Christmas in July luncheon, along with several birthday celebrations. Edition 4 2020 Murray Haven Homes Newsletter

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 3, 2020
In this edition of the Murray Haven Homes newsletter, the ladies enjoy a lovely high tea for Mother’s Day, we held an Anzac Day service with a difference, due to the COVID restrictions. Father Neale did a fantastic job, as did the residents with their Anzac Day poppy making artwork, which decorated the front of

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 2, 2020
In this edition of the Murray Haven Homes Newsletter, we received two four-legged visitors by the names of Huey and Genesis. Huey and Genesis belong to one of our staff members and her daughter, and she thoughtfully brought them along to meet the residents. The Bunyips cooked up another one of their awesome feasts of

Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 1, 2020
Click on the link below to access our Christmas Newsletter. We receive regular visits from both the Barham and Koondrook Primary schools. And we enjoy some beautiful carols with the children and staff, along with our Christmas party where family and friends galore visited and enjoyed themselves. Murray Haven Homes Newsletter Edition 1 December-January